Got Questions?

The journey to be a human being is not a straight line. It might break at a point or turn around at some points. It constantly entangles with others, but we just keep moving forward.

I am not a psychic reader, I don’t read your past lives.  I am like a Tour Guide, leading you to visit

your own past lives.

I can only share the knowledge within my scope of service.

1. How do I know it is my imagination, not real experience?

Even if it is your imagination, imagery is very powerful which can gear you toward desirable behaviors. This is part of Law of Attraction. We imagine, think and feel what we truly want, we will get it. 

In past life or age regression, images or scenes are coming out direct from your subconscious mind. In trance, you don’t think, you simply visit the scenes deep buried in your memories. There are billions of footages, you have to trust your Higher-Self or Inner-Master who knows exactly where you need to go. 

2. How do I know you may input inappropriate suggestions while I am hypnotized? 

We record the session in your device, not mine, and you keep the recording. I don’t have it.

You can listen to the recording later. But if you accidentally delete it, I don’t have copy.

As member of AHA and NGH  I follow Code of Ethics.  

As graduate of HMI, teachers repeatedly remind us: DO NO HARM.

After all, the purpose to do the session is to make you feel better!

 3. How incidents in past lives affect current life?

 A human got drowned in ocean in past life, he or she probably refuses to get close to any beach regardless how much fun it looks on the beach and how calm is the water.

A lady got stabbed from back few life times ago while she was a male soldier. She complains about the pain on her back for no reason.

A professional pianist died and born as a baby girl this life time. The baby girl soon displays her talent on playing piano at age 4.

4. If I did bad things in past life, what will happen to me?

The same bad thing will happen to you?  Not really! We all know karma, the cause and effect, is the highest law of the planet we are living on. But it is not so straight as [I kill you this life, you kill me next life]. 

It is about [How I am going to make a balance?] Do you think all Nazi will be born as humans in order to be killed by poison gas? So far, we don’t see it is happening. Each individual has his/her own lessons to learn in each life time. 

Probably when a Nazi be born as a girl, she has to learn how to be compassionate in a very difficult situation to offset the cruelty in the past. Probably when a Jewish be born again, she/he has to learn how to forgive or how to be strong against the violence. To get balance of what happened in past life is the lesson we are learning in this life. 

5. Phobia, the unknown fears?

Fears are the bad experiences we had before and we know what are the causes. For example, Jane can’t drive after a bad car accident, or Linda is afraid of water because she was nearly drown in a river. 

Phobia is the fear we can’t trace the cause in this life time. For example: John was always afraid of horse, he never touched a horse. Each time, he saw imagines of horse, he felt very uncomfortable. We did past life regression, and found out what happened in one of his past lives.

He was a male villager relying on his horse to transport crops and other loads.  One morning, in his early 40’s, he got on his wagon, held the horse and ready to go around his daily routine.  Suddenly the horse started to run like crazy, as if its ass got fire. It ran through fence, field and barriers, throwing John off wagon and he immediately died. 

When we discover John’s phobia of horse, he felt so released and started to consider horse as friend.

6. What is the outcome of therapy?

Before the sessions, you might feel you got stuck and perplexed. After the sessions, you know that you are in control of your life again!  I usually take care of issues in your current life before I guide you into past lives.

AND… the beauty is … during the session, you are totally aware of what is going on. 

7. It is new to me!

Great! It is about time to try something new.

The hypnosis skill has been around for thousands years. It is really not a new technology.

When the Medicine Man are burning incenses, chanting certain words, circumventing the patient, he practices the hypnosis skills on the patient in order to wake up the innate self-healing capacity.

8. How do I know it is simply my dreams?

Well, if it is your dream, then it is a ‘guided’ dreaming. Our dreams have 3 stages, 1st stage happens when we just fall in sleep. Dreams in this stage show what we want and need.

2nd stage happens in our deep sleep. Dreams in this stage are the communication between soul and inner master or higher-self, negotiation with other souls and travelling through times and spaces. As a hypnotherapist, I will bring you to 2nd stage and let you review the events in past lives.

3rd stage is the time we vent out our negative emotions. Keep record of your lucid dreams, you will get a lot of messages.

9. Can past life regression therapy help me get out of a bad relationship? 

When you know what kind of relationship between you and partner in the past life, you get your control back and you will naturally know what to do. You may choose to accept the situation and get through it, to change yourself (don’t waste time thinking to change others), or to find a way out.  

If you feel you are the victim of the relationship, it can be victimize yourself, everyone owes you something. or  pay the other person back something tangible or intangible which you owed in the past life.

3.Once the bad karma is balanced, either your partner changes attitude 180 degree or you walk away easily.

10. Will I lose control in hypnosis?

No one likes to lose control at any time, and no one likes to be handled. The purpose of  Hypnotherapy is to help you re-gain the control of your life.

You can open your eyes at anytime during the session. In past life regression, there are a lot of conversations between you and Hypnotherapist. We record the session for you to listen to it afterward. 

You are in a very safe place; besides that, you will be holding space for yourself as well.   

11. What is In-Between Life?

We die, we go through the tunnel; carrying nothing from the Earth except the memories and hard-earned experiences. Our souls, or named spirits, move on to another realm to meet spirit families. Souls or spirits then make plans for where and how to obtain future unique experiences; which could be earned in 2 dimensional, or 3 dimensional or 4 or 5 or higher dimensional realms.  

Obviously we decided to come to the Earth as human beings, otherwise, you and I won’t be here doing this now. If your life is full of ups and downs, you might want to know: ‘What hack was the plan I made before I was born!’  Well, we design our life dramas after death and before birth; that is planned in-between life. 

12. What is Higher-Self and Inner Master? 

Both are you! Every night when our physical bodies are falling deep sleep or whenever our brainwaves get into Theta frequency in deep meditation, our soul/spirit takes over. You can name soul/spirit as Higher-Self or Inner-Master, for IT is all-knowing and IT is constantly communicating with the Universe.

When we are awake, our six senses keep us busy on all kinds of message units, the only time we can talk to our High-Self, Inner Master or soul/spirit is when we bring our brainwaves to Theta frequency through deep sleep, meditation or hypnosis.

Human beings are tiny souls living on little Earth planet, yet our brains are super powerful “PC” to connect with the Infinite Universe. We can’t get access to ALL data in the universe because we are covered by a Veil which is considered as a Protective Film, like the atmosphere around the Earth.

The best way for us to communicate with the universe, to view the Akashic Record, or to read chapters of Book of Life is through our subconscious mind, or when we are in trance or we lift the vibrations high as Higher-Self or soul or Inner Master.  Crown chakra is the connecting point.

13.  My friend who is a psychic told me what happened in my past. Why do I want to see a HynoTherapist?

It is up to you!

We have numerous past lives. One life was a monk, one life was a lady singer, one was a Lion King, and ….., we had played all kinds of roles on this Earth.

If you feel your issues are gone, then live your good life; if you feel some problems still there, time to consider about hypnotherapy. 🙂

14. Once the issue has been fixed, will it recur? 

The same issue will not recur. Other issues may emerge later. Each issue connects to different roots in the past.

Jane always carried angers inside, but she would not say a word because she did not want to offend people. In the past life regression, she saw she was hung at the market place in a small village because she told people the truth which they could not accept. We did Hypnotherapy to open up her throat chakra and strengthen other chakras.  She now can feel free to speak out without the fear. 

Jane was very happy for a while, but she soon realized that she could not put up with her very controlling partner. Oops, need to find out what was the relationship in the past.

15. Can I bring a family or friend to the session as my companion? 

This is NO-NO.

First NO: this close friend or family might be the cause of your issues. You will be surprised to find out how many people use [you know I love you] to control the other person. If you can’t be honest to your true feelings, you can’t get help.

Second NO: It is difficult to get into trance when someone is next to you, other than the therapist who is holding the space for you. This person’s vibration or energy can affect you, especially when you are in semi-unconsciousness. It is your session, you have to be very honest to yourself. ALL are confidential and only you keep the recording.

16. Can I go back to my own past lives? 

Everyone can! 

1st, you have to trust yourself, trust your high-self or inner master.

2nd, Let go all the psychic or spiritual skills you have learned. You are holding space for yourself and I am right next to you.

3rd, believe whatever you ‘see’ is real. You might ‘see’ the outer space, the Earth, deep ocean, ancient structure. You might be in a body of a baby or an old man.

4th, Don’t judge yourself. Be open-minded, you are reviewing your own history. Simply follow the scene.

Welcome to send me questions, I will answer or find answers within the scope of my practice