Story 23 I lived in year 1600ish

After visiting two past lives, I guided Cindy to visit the last one before ending the session. “What do you see outside your travelling ball?” She murmured: “Ocean. I am on the ocean.” Her eye balls were moving fast: “Oh! I see boats, I am at a port.” I followed her: “Are you man or woman?”

“I am a teen boy.” I asked her: “What shoes are you wearing?” “Shoes? No shoes!” “OK, What are you doing at the port?” “I am watching the boats. Many boats are out there.” I asked her: “Is any of your parent around?” “No, I am hiding behind a post…. They are fighting, the boats are fighting, they shoot, fires everywhere.”

“What kinds of the boats?” I asked. “Like in 1600. In Europe. Boats are sinking .. Big fight.” I asked her: “Can you go home?” “Yes, I run back home.” I followed: “Any one else on the street?” “No! I am home now.” I asked her: “Is it a big house? Any one at home?” She sounded sad: “No, I am the only one left. A little house with a fireplace and stove.”

“Where are you parents? or grand?” I asked her. “They all dead. I am the only one.” “OK, what is your dinner?” “A loaf of bread and some beans. They brought these to me….. But soon they stopped bringing food to me…. no more!”

She suddenly started to cry, her body jerked, tears dropped down, and she screamed …”No, no, I don’t want to remember! No!” It was abreaction, I calmed her down.

“It is over, it is only in the history. Then, what happened?” She replied: “I died.” Worrying she might get another abreaction, I didn’t ask her how and at what age.

When she returned to her consciousness, she said: “I knew that port, it is Dublin in Ireland. I knew that place.” She continued: “Couple years ago, I took my son to visit Ireland, my first trip to UK and Ireland. When I stood at the port and looked out the water, I knew I had been here many many years ago.” She then sighed: “Wars are terrible! People have no foods, no homes.”